Thursday, March 20, 2014

Carnaval - or Easter Activity

Para celebrar carnaval (domingo antes del miércoles de ceniza)
Pueden hacer cáscaras de huevo pintadas y llenarlos con confeti llamados cascarones de colores! 

You can celebrate "carnaval" (before ash Wednesday) with these confetti eggs. But if you prefer you can do this activity for Easter. The kids have a lot of fun with these "confetti egg shells" and they can paint them too, if the kids are old enough they can cut paper for confetti and it will keep them occupy. 
Happy Lent! and Happy Easter!

How to do the confetti egg shells/  Como hacer cascarones: (to make a dozen/ para una docena)
Es muy simple, it is very simple:
You will need:/ Necesitaras:
12 egg shells / 12 cascarones de huevos
tissue paper or confetti / papel de china, papel de colores, o confeti
sissors/ tijeras
glue/ pegamento o engrudo
washable paint/ acuarelas

First of course wash your egg shells. While they dry, you can make the confetti by cutting the color paper into little pieces. When the egg shells are dry you can fill them up with confetti and cover them with paper squares. Then you can paint them, allow them to dry overnight or for a while in the sun. Enjoy! 

Primero lava los cascarones. Mientras se secan, puedes hacer el confeti, cortando el papel de china o cualquier otro papel de color. Cuando los cascarones esten secos completamente llénalos de confeti y cubre los oricificios con papel. Luego puedes pintarlos. Deja que se sequen al sol o durante la noche. Diviéntanse!

Felices Pascuas de Resurección!, Happy Easter!

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